3. Sometimes it does take a person of influence to make a difference.
4. You should use the questions of an interview to help you determine what you want from your job.
5. Keep calm and you can be effective .
6. The best way to get people to accept your point of view is to first show respect for their point of view.
7. It is impossible to sell a used car unless it is in good shape.
8. Do not be afraid to ask for what you want .
9. If you are too busy to help, you are too busy.
10. The only way to remain happy is to do the work you enjoy, and to ignore the rest.
11. Always remember that your computer is your best friend.
12. Do you know how to tell if a person has the qualities you want in a person who will work for you?
13. Learn to listen and you will never be misunderstood.
14. You should be able to listen well if you want to be good at your job.
15. It is easier to get to know someone when you start to like him or her.
16. If you don't like someone's personality, learn to live with it .
17. Everyone has a good side .
18. If you keep the same attitude, the results will be the same.
19. It is very difficult to solve a problem if you are too close to it.
20. You should be careful about what you say to customers.
21. It is impossible to make someone like you if you don't like yourself.
22. The best way to solve a problem is to admit you have one.
23. The only person who can bring out your best is you.
24. People will respect you if you respect them.
25. If you don't expect much of yourself, you won't be disappointed.
26. You will never find what you are looking for if you do not know what you are looking for.
27. Do not be afraid to try a new way of doing things.
28. Learn to say 'No' without feeling guilty.
29. You cannot have everything you want. You have to choose.
30. Never act on impulse.
31. You have the power to keep yourself attractive even if you don't care about how you look.
32. Just because you are getting
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